Il 2020 agonistico di Cram Motorsport finisce a Vallelunga

Questo weekend a Vallelunga Cram Motorsport celebrerà l’ultimo appuntamento agonistico del 2020.

Si tratta dell’ACI Racing Weekend, che sancirà il termine dell’Italian F.4 Championship powered by Abarth – 7° round – e del Campionato Italiano GT Sprint – round 4.

Il team si trova in lizza per il podio assoluto nell’Italiano di F4, mentre nel GT Sprint la compagine di Erba è al comando con lo svedese Daniel Vebster.

Nell’Italian F.4 Championship powered by Abarth saranno 3 i “Blue Boys”: Andrea Rosso, Vittorio Catino e Nicolas Baptiste. Daniel Vebster, invece, sarà al volante della Porsche Cayman 718 GT4.

Gabriele Rosei, Team Manager: «Siamo giunti al culmine di questa lunga stagione. Non posso nascondere che è stata molto dura per via della pandemia Covid-19, ma sono orgoglioso del lavoro che hanno fatto i miei uomini, e dei piloti che ci stanno rappresentando in pista. Vallelunga è una pista molto complessa, l’imperativo è mantenere alta la concentrazione, in ogni circostanza.»

Cram Motorsport’s 2020 racing season ends in Vallelunga

This weekend of Vallelunga Cram Motorsport will celebrate the last racing event of 2020.

The ACI Racing Weekend will sanction the end of the Italian F.4 Championship powered by Abarth – 7th round – and the Italian GT Sprint Championship – round 4. 

The team is vying for the absolute podium in the Italian of F4, while the team from Erba is leading in the GT Sprint with the Swedish Daniel Vebster. In the Italian F.4 Championship powered by Abarth there will be 3 “Blue Boys”: Andrea Rosso, Vittorio Catino, and Nicolas Baptiste. Daniel Vebster, on the other hand, will be behind the wheel of the Porsche Cayman 718 GT4.

Gabriele Rosei, Team Manager: «We have reached the peak of this long season. I cannot hide that it has been very hard due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but I am proud of the work my men have done, and of the drivers who are representing us on the track. Vallelunga is a very complex track, the imperative is to keep concentration high, under all circumstances. ”

Below the official program:

Italian F.4 Championship powered by Abarth
4th December 2020 Friday
Free Practices 1: 10.25/11.05 | Free Practices 2: 13.45/14.25

5th December 2020 Saturday
Qualifying Practices 1: 09.50/10.05 |Qualifying Practices 2: 10.15/10.30
Race1: 14.00

6th December 2020 Saturday
Race 2: 10.00 |Race 3: 15.00

Campionato Italiano GT Sprint
4th December 2020 Saturday
Free Practices 1: 11.15/12.05 | Free Practices 2: 14.35/15.25

5th December 2020 Saturday
Qualifying Practices 1: 10.40/11.00 | Qualifying Practices 2: 11.10/11.30
Race 1: 15.00
6th December 2020 Saturday
Race 2: 11.00

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